Gotta Catch ‘Em All!

BY: Phoebe Kingsak    November 21, 2016 Phoebe Kingsak   Yes, PokémonGo has taken over NYU. Since July 6th, basically the entire NYU community took to the streets to swipe Pokéstops, hurl Pokéballs at the critters to add to our Pokédex, and take over the gym at...

NYU Move-In Day 2016

BY: Ted Jacobi    August 29, 2016 Ted Jacobi   Sunday, August 28th was the start of something special in NYC. From 7AM to 7PM, over 5,300 students in NYU’s Class of 2020 moved into 11 residence halls in Manhattan and Brooklyn. Move-in Day at NYU is a sight to...
Upper West Side Neighborhood Guide

Upper West Side Neighborhood Guide

Primarily a residential neighborhood, the Upper West Side can serve as a great home base for visitors to New York City, and is certainly worth exploring if you have time. Hotels on the Upper West Side often offer a better value than in many other areas and also...